3rd edition 2019Very short film
competition in
3 parts and 30sec.

January 28 2020 Cinéhaïku competition winner 2019 William Mangeon

with his film My daydreams.

William Mangeon is a writer and a filmmaker from Marseille, France. A civil engineer by profession and cinéphile at heart, he has been following his passion for storytelling, cinema and screenplay constructively! Without any formal background in this field, he began writing short films in 2013 before stepping behind the camera in 2018. He is currently pre-producing his first-ever 15-minute-long short film “Still Life” (writing residence at the Aix-en-Provence short film festival 2019).

“For this short film, I would like to thank my brother and a very talented composer, Léo Mangeon for the original soundtrack, Sonia Souriau my 1st assistant for her energy, François Duboisset for special effects and Malvina Thouvenin, the daydreamer for her effortless performance.”